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Mulheres jovens - 27 anos
Idade27 anos
Altura158 cm - 62 in
Peso70 kg - 154 lbs
Cor dos cabelosNegro
Comprimento dos cabelosLongo
Cor dos olhosCastanhos
Medidas80-94-113 cm - 31-37-44 in
PeitoMamas grandes
Preferência sexualI prefer anyone who makes me feel with his passion, his energy and who brings out the best in me.
Aparência do sexoRapado
Tipo de corpoRedondas
Grupo étnicoLatino
O que me excitaI am attracted to a man who is determined and likes sensuality and enjoying each other, I like to be treated like a lady and when we are alone he treats me like his whore, I am attracted to take the time to feel the desire through my fingers.
Não me excitaI enjoy practicing good sex so I can allow myself to feel more pleasure, as well as giving a good blowjob and deep throat, but I am also open to new experiences.
Posição preferidaon doggy I feel that I have more sensitivity and I can feel how your cock enters me, apart from the fact that this way I am submissive so that you can take control over me.
Línguas faladasFrancêsInglêsEspanhol
FantasiasWhere your eyes go I want to go with my naked and free body choosing your will and desire to surrender to sin and rejoice between the warmest waters that will provoke our desire united between each form of your feelings and with my heart open to them.

Chat live e webcam sexy de SofieMillerr

a woman too sensual and sweet waiting to play, I am attracted to a man who is determined and likes sensuality and enjoying each other, I like to be treated like a lady and when we are alone he treats me like his whore, I am attracted to take the time to feel the desire through my fingers.

Tarifa show privado1,97 US$ / minutoPara estar em show privado com a modelo
Tarifa show privado 100% exclusivo2,41 US$ / minutoPara estar em show privado com a modelo, em modo exclusivo (sozinho com a modelo)
Tarifa "SneakPeek"0,98 US$Para aceder alguns segundos ao show privado(não pode conversar)
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